Are you familiar with the common causes of kidney disease?

5 Common Causes of Kidney Disease

Your kidneys are responsible for cleaning your blood, helping control blood pressure, making red blood cells, and more. When your kidneys are damaged, waste products and fluids can build up in your body. Various health conditions can affect the functions of the kidneys and may eventually lead to them failing if left untreated. Here are …

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October is liver awareness month

Liver Awareness Month

October is Liver Awareness Month. We are celebrating by helping our readers understand more about our body’s “workhorse” and the common diseases that can impact it. The liver is not only essential to our overall health but also to sustaining our lives. The Many Hats of the Liver Your liver performs around 500 different functions …

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The truth about low t

The Truth About Low T

Low testosterone (low T) affects millions of men in the U.S. While sexual dysfunction is the top association for this condition, a testosterone deficiency causes other symptoms. Aside from the physical side of this condition, there are other emotional and relationship impacts. There is a lot of misconceptions and falsehoods surrounding low T that can …

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Healthy volunteers create a healthier future

Top Reasons Why Healthy Volunteers Participate in Clinical Research

Clinical research is an essential tool the scientific community uses when evaluating specific medical treatments and their effect on the body. Research studies need different types of individuals to participate in them—those who are healthy and others who may have illnesses. There are many reasons to participate in clinical research studies. Here are some of …

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Have you been practicing these healthy habits for your liver health?

Healthy Habits for Liver Health

Keeping your liver healthy isn’t much different from taking care of your overall health. Staying active, maintaining a healthy weight, and managing chronic conditions are a few recommended changes. The liver plays a significant role in the metabolism of what we consume. Therefore, diet is an integral part of healthy habits everyone should practice for …

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Prioritizing Men’s Health: Low Testosterone

June kicks off Men’s Health Awareness Month. It is an annual focus for men of all ages to strive for better health by joining any of the various activities peppering the month. Learning more about the common conditions male populations face and their symptoms is vital to early detection and treatment success. Low T is a common …

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Severe Liver Disease: Why a Research Study May Help

There are over 100 types of liver disease caused by viruses, genetics, obesity, and more. However, most cause damage to the liver and progress in similar ways regardless of the underlying condition. As the disease progresses and damages the liver. Over time, it begins to lose the ability to perform its vital functions. When severe liver disease …

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National Kidney Month

The kidney’s filters remove harmful waste and excess fluids from the blood to be removed through the urine. Without that process, the body couldn’t maintain a stable chemical balance. The kidneys are instrumental in the body’s overall health. Illnesses that damage the kidneys are seldomly noticed until the later stages. Reducing risk and managing chronic …

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National Kidney Month

The kidney’s filters remove harmful waste and excess fluids from the blood to be removed through the urine. Without that process, the body couldn’t maintain a stable chemical balance. The kidneys are instrumental in the body’s overall health. Illnesses that damage the kidneys are seldomly noticed until the later stages. Reducing risk and managing chronic …

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Apply to participate in a study of an investigational pain medication following a bunion removal.


Apply to participate in a study after hernia repair surgery.